Tuesday, November 19, 2013


GIRL TALK (Heart to Heart)

No girl can put an end to this. It started right when we started talking....at the age of Two or so !! There's a special place in our hearts for those conversations. The impact stays forever :) Girls always have or find Girls with whom they can share those special moments, those common concerns, those common issues, those dilemmas. We suffocate if we dont have that special support system.

I always changed places. Have grown up in various parts of India. Each place had one thing "One Person" in common. "A GIRL BEST FRIEND". SHE was always there for me. While school life had ample of these "GIRL BEST FRIENDS" the no. drastically fell when I was out competing..... 

This next painting is dedicated to all my Beautiful, Stunning, Sweet, Caring gang of girls. Missing U all ........ :(

Acrylic Painting on Rolled Canvas-16 In * 25 In

This painting is on sale. To buy write to me on snehajoshi1907@gmail.com. You can check out rest of the collection of paintings on the link-


Do hit " Like" the page to get updates on my latest and upcoming creations.


lavina agarwal said...

Wow awesome! First time her..love your work

Unknown said...

Hey thank u so much Lavina....u can also check out my latest works on https://www.facebook.com/pages/Draw-Your-Dreams/617607848255068?ref=bookmarks