It all started with the beginning of my Corporate Career some 9 yrs back. The saga of 'Plain Formals'.
I thoroughly enjoyed spending money, flaunting and receiving compliments for them like every other working women does. I can still recall the evening when I bought my first Formal Shirt. It was a Blackberry, baby pink and white striped shirt. For these nine yrs I always thought that these formals are in best shape and I would never have to do anything much to make them better. They absolutely suited the environment where I was being brought up...."My Office". I had happily decided I will never come out of this look.....I Loved it !
May be it was alright to think that way for a women who had just come out of her teens. Sometimes we just forget life always has to u unfold a lot of things.........
It all had to end someday.
And I have preferred to give it this end. I allowed the art attack hit me, used some acrylic colours and 3 D tubes and sparkles and the end product is here-
Plain white short T-shirt has got a new look with floral print starting from the neck line till the waist.
Dark Blue Collarless Shirt with the new silver lining and pearl design.
Theme- Music Peach colour shirt
Blue striped shirt with warli art on its collar, button line and sleeves.
Yellow and green striped shirt with bright orange and yellow sunflower right in the middle covering both the sides of the button line. Intricate 3D Cone work on the collar and sleeves.
These are now best suited for my new role as a mother to a toddler, teacher, wanderer, budding artist and a person ready to wear many more hats.
Awaiting your valuable comments, feedback and questions.
You are my inspiration!!!!!
Thank u Ritu :)
I have also started with something new. U can pls check out the link-
something missing in dis article :-(
how, when, why?
Kedar actually wanted the article to concentrate on the concept & art rather than my personal details, hence :)
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